L e g a l n o t i c e
L e g a l n o t i c e
14.Sep 2024 | 8:00 pm
UNSETTLING SOUNDS: Iran & Afghanistan
Goethe-Institut in Exile / Part of the Month of Contemporary Music Berlin of the initiative new music / field notes berlin
03.May 2025 | 8:00 pm
Wittener Tage für Neue Kammermusik

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Samawatie Bhatti GbR
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Artistic Directors

Cymin Samawatie & Ketan Bhatti


Studio Micha Binder, Berlin


Pixelpolizei, Berlin


Home: ©Silke Weinsheimer
Collective: Cymin Samawatie ©Heike Steinweg / Lina Allemano ©Manuel Miethe / Grégoire Simon ©Sonja Müller / Bassem Alkhouri, Biliana Voutchkova, Naoko Kikuchi, Wu Wei ©Silke Weinsheimer / Ketan Bhatti ©Janine Kuehn / Milian Vogel ©Max Parovski / Mohamad Fityan ©Dominik Wagner / Sabrina Ma ©Tina Linster / Susanne Fröhlich ©Markus Sepperer / Sveta Kundish ©Ksenia Mushkat / Niko Meinhold ©Ana Segola / Florian Juncker ©Vincent Stefan / Eleanna Pitsikaki ©Damián Irzik / Philip Geisler ©Bernhard Ludewig / Jakob Nierenz ©Dovile Sermokas / Cham Saloum ©Eva Zanettin
Info: ©Lena Ganssmann
Music: All videos by Roman Hagenbrock
Modara: ©Alec Barth & Consuelo Rincon
Divan Berlin-Istanbul: ©Yücel Kurşun / ©Alec Barth & Consuelo Rincon
Disturbing: ©Arnaud Ele
Magazine: TransPositions ©Ada Ayşe İmamoğlu / Sneak Peek & Kultur öffnet Welten & World Music Award ©Silke Weinsheimer / Becoming the Trickster Orchestra ©Bernd Wannenmacher

Liability disclaimer

The Trickster Orchestra makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information provided on this website. Nonetheless, errors and ambiguities can never be completely ruled out. For this reason, the Trickster Orchestra provides no warranty for the timeliness, correctness, completeness, or quality of the information provided. The Trickster Orchestra is not liable for material or immaterial damages resulting directly or indirectly from the use or non-use of the presented information, unless intentional or grossly negligent culpability can be proven. In the case of direct or indirect links to external websites, the latter liability is applicable only for the period when the link is present.

© All content of this website underlies the copyright and it must not be wholly or partially reproduced, distributed, published, or stored in an information system without a preceding written permission. Downloads are free for your own information. Images, videos, and sound links can be used for press purposes.