Mimesis hat viele Gesichter. So lautet schon der Titel einer Konferenz und eines folgenden Sammelbands von 2018 zu westgriechischem Kulturerbe: The Many Faces of Mimesis. Diese Mehrdeutigkeit des Begriffs, der Praxis und der Resultate mimetischer Prozesse macht ein Ensemble wie das Trickster Orchestra neugierig.
In the impressive visual setting at Berlin’s Museum for Islamic Art, the jazz quartet Cyminology premiered their piece Mshatta Echoes, an adaptation of the 8th century Islamic Mshatta Facade. A concert between architecture, poetry, music, and the entanglements of times, places, and artistic languages.
Cymin and Ketan met with the young initiative Kultur öffnet Welten to speak about cultural diversity and the appeal of making liminal music in-between genres and cultures. The podcast is available on spotify and soundcloud.
The music magazine VAN Outernational joined Trickster Orchestra’s first album recording session at Meistersaal Berlin! Philipp Rhensius wrote an exclusive sneak peek including video interviews by Florian Schmuck and photos by Silke Weinsheimer.